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Dominion Newspaper Cooperative Bylaws

Read the full bylaws here.

Summary by Olivia Henry, March 2021

Organization description

The Dominion Newspaper Cooperative was a monthly newspaper cooperative in Canada with local editorial groups in Halifax, Vancouver, Toronto and Montreal.

Types of membership

Managing Editor Members

  1. Has worked for at least 20 hours a week for the coop for three months
  2. Has day-to-day involvement with the Dominion, with no long absences without board approval
  3. Pays an annual membership fee and supports the objectives of the co-op

Writer and Editor Members

  1. Has at least written two articles or edited a section of the Dominion for two editions
  2. Writes at least one article a year or edit a Dominion Section at least three times a year
  3. Pays an annual membership fee and supports the objectives of the co-op

Reader Members

  1. Pays an annual membership fee and supports the objectives of the co-op

Board of directors


  1. One Reader Member director, elected by their own class
  2. One Writer and Editor director, elected by their own class
  3. Three Managing Editor directors, elected by their own class

Other governance issues

  1. The board establishes a nominating committee which presents a slate of consenting candidates at the annual membership meeting. Members can submit nominations, too.



  1. A quorum at any Members' Meeting requires the presence of 30% of Managing Editor Members and 2% or 5 Members, whichever is greater, from the other classes.
dominion-summary.txt · Last modified: 2021/08/02 00:37 by admin